“There should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” 1 Corinthians 12: 25-27 (NIV).
What does it mean for one part of the body of Christ to look after another? Because we are all connected in Christ as one body, we bear one another’s burdens and share in one another’s joy. To get a better understanding of just how interconnected we are, let’s take a look at how our bodies’ five senses work together.
How do the five senses work together?
The five senses are touch, taste, smell, sight, and sound. Life runs smoothly when all five senses are present. We typically function this way without thinking about it. Our senses constantly take in information from the world around us, send it to the brain to process, and tell us how to react and what to do. Often this entire process happens without us even thinking about it.
When one sense is not functioning at its best, the other senses must fill in the gaps where needed. For example, someone who is blind must train their ears to be aware of everything around them. People who are deaf typically learn how to read lips. Both of these cases present people with heightened senses of sound or sight to help support other parts of their body.
How do the five senses relate to the body of Christ?
As the body of Christ, the same concept applies. When one part suffers, it is the responsibility of the other parts to help strengthen the one that is suffering. Otherwise, that part of the body will never develop into its full potential. One example of this is seen in the prevalence of the global learning poverty crisis. This crisis has kept many from stepping into the fullness of all God called them to become. After all, global learning poverty in low- and middle-income countries has risen from 57 to an estimated 70 percent. [3]
However, in order to support those in need, we must go beyond simply providing resources—it requires coming together. As Brian Fikkert points out in When Helping Hurts, ““if we reduce human beings to being simply physical—as Western thought is prone to do—our poverty-alleviation efforts will tend to focus on material solutions. But if we remember that humans are spiritual, social, psychological, and physical beings, our poverty-alleviation efforts will be more holistic in their design and execution.”[1]
Edify helps holistically support the body of Christ in several ways. Whether it is education technology training, a discipleship club, or simply gathering as a global Edify team through prayer calls, we remain interconnected. By God’s grace, the body of Christ is growing in health and wholeness, one step at a time. As we follow God in bringing the entire body of Christ to a place where it can grow, every part is affected for good. We become stronger and more united. Ultimately, we grow into more than we could have ever thought or imagined.
To learn more about Edify’s impact around the globe, click here.