In the vibrant, coastal nation of Liberia, spirited young learners find their purpose in God through Christ-centered education. Among the countless students whose lives have been transformed by this is Augustine Neebly. Augustine’s journey began at an Edify partner school, Senow Academy, where he thrived in an environment that nurtured his passion for technology.
Augustine shares, “While attending Senow, everything about me changed. Each day, we were taught the Bible and how to live a biblical life. It helped me grow in my spiritual life and ultimately my career in technology, which meant a lot to me.”
The Call into Technology
Recognized for his exceptional abilities, Augustine was frequently chosen to represent the academy in technology competitions around the nation. These experiences enhanced his technical expertise and instilled confidence that he could accomplish great things.
Augustine shares, “Being a part of the technology competitions with Edify was so awesome, especially in the midst of so many students in my school in the program.
It was really amazing and impacted my school in a special way, and I always felt like I was a part of the Edify family among my fellow students. Information technology propelled us all into new levels of leadership and career opportunities. Being a part of this, I learned so much, and it brought so much change to my view of life. I was able to apply all of this to my time at university later on and in life. Today, I am studying IT at university, and Edify helped me get to where I am today.”
Embracing a New Challenge
As his passion for technology cemented, he found the freedom to dream bigger, seeking to take his talents beyond the classroom. Upon graduating, Augustine’s aspirations led him beyond Liberia’s borders to India, where he delved deeper into the world of educational technology, working towards a degree in IT. Augustine shares how his experiences at Senow solidified his faith beyond the academy, serving as a light to those around him, “Far away from home, family, and parents here in India, my time at Senow Academy has given me the tools to remain connected to God. When I am struggling, I go to the Word of God, which helps me whenever I am down. It fueled my Christian faith.”
Leading the Next Generation
Today, Augustine gives back to the next generation of learners in Liberia. As president of the EPSSA (Edify Partner School Student Alumni), he continues to inspire students in Liberia, encouraging them to dream big just as he did. When asked what his prayer for the nation of Liberia would be, Augustine shared with us, “I pray that these students will invest in their education when they are young and will never give up when working towards something.”
Augustine’s story is a testament to the power of Christ-centered education and the pivotal role of education technology in equipping the next generation for success. To quote Augustine, may “each student keeps doing their best to achieve their dreams, all by the special grace of God.”