“These men who have turned the world upside down… saying that there is another king, Jesus.”
(Acts 17:6-7, ESV)


We all know the world’s turned upside down—everything from family gatherings to going to the grocery store has been turned on their head. It has been a year full of change, a year ruled by disease, conflict, changing economies, and the unknown answers to our growing questions.

Globally, education has been, unsurprisingly, one of the most disrupted sectors. At one point this spring, 9 of every 10 students were out of school. There were significant challenges to education before, but the pandemic’s impact was unimaginable. But what if we can dig deep into hope and reimagine the world to be turned upside down by something different? In this year’s 2020 Annual Report, we reflect on our world’s present challenges and reimagine what it means for the world to be turned upside down by the power of the Gospel.

Tiger Dawson, our CEO, in his opening letter, puts it this way:

“The Gospel is powerful because it invites us to play a part in changing the world. It asks us to truly flip everything upside down through selfless, grace-filled acts of love to others at great cost to ourselves. Disruption will come and go with new things to fill its place, but the Gospel is truly what transforms lives and nations forever—what if our world was turned upside down by lives lived differently?”


In the pages of our Annual Report, we share stories from Ghana, Northeast India, and Peru and the pressing challenges each country has faced. Whether it be online education, history-long conflict and tensions, or isolation in lockdowns, we highlight the spirit of innovation, the will to write a new story for the next generation, and the connection found in the shared struggle. We share highlights of creative partnerships we’ve embarked on this year like never before. We’ve made friends with soap makers, we’ve seen generosity plant seeds of faith, and those who have answered the call to give like they never have before.

In a year like this past one, our Annual Report celebrates the true currencies of the Kingdom: hope, faith, peace, and love.

After Jesus had ascended and the Holy Spirit poured Himself out on all people, the Church began to spread its way into places it had never gone before. It transformed culture, relationships, and rhythms of life. This newly established Church looked different than anything the world had seen before, and people had begun to take notice. The disciples and the new Church began to turn the world upside down. Bravely, they pointed their communities to another way, another King.

This year, our Annual Report points toward the true Ruler, One who gives us the ultimate perspective and power to see our world and our place in it.


Read our 2020 Annual Report: The World Turned Upside Down HERE