Brighter Futures

All children should be learning and flourishing.
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Our Mission

to improve and expand sustainable Christ-centered education globally.

Sustainability Matters

Improve & Expand

Edify works with education entrepreneurs who operate Christ-centered schools. Alongside local partners, we offer them access to the tools they need the most: training, loan capital, and education technology. This helps improve the quality of education, expand their schools, and build longevity for their communities.

15 Countries and Counting

We work with education entrepreneurs in Africa and Latin America.

Why These Schools?

We work with low-fee independent Christ-centered schools who, on average, deliver quality education for less than $1 a day.

Measure Our Global Impact

We’ve been serving schools and students globally since 2009. Last year alone we reached over 34,000 schools and 8.3 million students.

Meet Deborah

“In addition to helping my school become more sustainable, Edify helped it to become more Christ-centered.”

Access to resources help education entrepreneurs, like Deborah, run and grow their schools so students can keep learning and dreaming.

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