The Need
47,957 children are currently out-of-school in Panama
Located in Central America, bordering both the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean, Panama is home to 4.18 million Panamanians.
Panama ranks second to last in income distribution in Latin America. Poverty in Panama is still a significant issue, with many Panamanians living under the poverty line.
When compared to other countries, Panama is ranked 83rd out of 144 for the quality of its education system.
Corruption is one of Panama’s biggest challenges. Panama ranked 111 out of 180 countries in the 2020 Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index.
Our Partners
Falom De Molina
Finanzas Contigo
Infusion Ministries
Lidabell Edwards
Tisnado Studios
Meet Our Team
Edify began operations in Panama in 2021.

Arckiosirish Salgado
Country Director

Edmundo Luis Campos
Impact Assessment Officer

Paola Marie Clement
Christ-Centered Education Officer

Katerine Natasha Messin
Christ-Centered Education Officer