The Need
During working years, each rural worker without higher education forgoes $10,000+ of earning potential per year, equivalent to over 100% of current income.
Only 72% of adolescents of lower secondary age attend school.
14% of children aged 5-17 are engaged in child labor.
Bolivia is one of the poorest nations in Latin America.
Figures courtesy of World Bank & UNICEF
Our Partners
Asambleas de Dios en Bolivia
Asociación Nacional de Colegios Privados de Bolivia (ANDECOP)
Consejo Nacional de Educación (CONEC)
Carrera de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Mayor de San Simón
David Gonzales Garcia
Felipe Marca
Marco Tejeda
Marlene Vargas
Meet Our Team
Edify began operations in 2023.

Grisel Adriana Quiroga Villanueva
Country Director

Raquel Peña Espejo
Christ-Centered Education Officer