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resourcesWritten by Edify Co-founder, Chris Crane, A Dream and a Coconut Tree tells the story of how communities trapped in poverty have provided education to their children with resiliency and creativity. It introduces Edify’s inception as an international development nonprofit built to see schools improve education, flourish where they’re planted, and bring transformation to their countries. A Dream and a Coconut Tree shines light on the true heroes of education, everyday men and women who dream of seeing their children have brighter futures through education centered on Christ.

The Why Behind Our Work
We’re Different Than The Rest
Our Unique Selling Point
Hear from Edify staff and financial partners about why we are unique when it comes to solving the global education crisis.
How Edify Works
Our Theory of Change
Learn more about Edify’s model and how we partner with independent schools to improve Christ-centered education.
Peace Innovators
Dr. Paula Cordeiro, edify’s Former VP of Education
Paula Cordeiro, University of San Diego’s Dammeyer Distinguished Professor of Global Leadership and Education, speaks at Peace Innovators with her talk, A Passport Out of Poverty.