In the vibrant, coastal nation of Liberia, spirited young learners find their purpose in God through Christ-centered education. Among the countless students whose lives have been transformed by this is Augustine Neebly. Augustine’s journey began at an Edify partner...
Peru, with its stunning 1,500-mile stretch along the Pacific coast, is a land of diverse landscapes—from towering mountains to arid deserts. In the south lies Arequipa, the nation’s second-largest city, affectionately called the “Texas of Peru” for its distinct...
If you collected every story of our Edify staff, it would be a book of God’s grace with endless pages. It would be filled with stories about overcoming immense challenges, witnessing miracles firsthand, and reflections on His goodness. These stories are often shared...
Throughout my time as a Marketing and Communications Intern, I was charged with writing two blog posts. As an Enneagram 3, I wanted to write something that was moving but informative, intellectual but funny. As I took time to decide what to write, I heard about an...
On March 22, our dear brother and friend, Luis Sena, went home to be with Jesus. For those of you who knew Luis, you knew the blessing he was — a Kingdom builder, a wise mentor, and a dear friend. As an early pioneer of Edify, he had a profound impact on the...
At Edify, we often talk about the impact our programs have and the transformation that is taking place in the lives of school owners, teachers and students. We know that a quality Christ-centered education changes lives and is the best pathway out of poverty. But how...