After Reopening, A Return to Spiritual Growth Is At the Forefront

After Reopening, A Return to Spiritual Growth Is At the Forefront Watch these students and school leaders share their testimonies of how these materials have brought a deeper understanding of discipleship and salvation.  New Growth After Reopenings in Ghana In January 2021, school doors...

Guest Blog: Hard Decisions for School Owners in Reopening

Guest Blog: Hard Decisions for School Owners in Reopening

With Edify's footprint in 11 countries, we've had to navigate the numerous challenges of this past year. These challenges present themselves in hundreds of different contexts based on country, region, city, town, and language. What affects our Latin American partner...

The World Turned Upside Down: Our 2020 Annual Report

The World Turned Upside Down: Our 2020 Annual Report

“These men who have turned the world upside down... saying that there is another king, Jesus.” (Acts 17:6-7, ESV) We all know the world’s turned upside down—everything from family gatherings to going to the grocery store has been turned on its head. It has been a year...

Giving Light This Season

Giving Light This Season

In a day where we don't see many others outside of our small groups and where screens have become our connection points, days where we're physically distanced from one another and our faces are half-hidden, we can quickly forget that we're supposed to be light. The...