Impact of Armed Conflict on Education in Ethiopia

Impact of Armed Conflict on Education in Ethiopia

The effects of war and conflict are exacting. They’re complex and can grind crucial national infrastructures to a screeching halt. Especially the damage it brings to education. Often school buildings and structures are reduced to rubble. Teachers flee to surrounding...

The Educational Landscape of Peru Today

The Educational Landscape of Peru Today

Situated in South America, Peru is home to over 30 million people. The country is considerably young. Almost half the population is under the age of 30. Urbanization has caused nearly one-third of the entire population to live in its capital city of Lima, with 35...

Edify’s First Internship Cohort: An Insider’s Reflection    

Edify’s First Internship Cohort: An Insider’s Reflection   

This summer, Edify launched our first-ever Summer Internship cohort. Three talented students from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill joined our Marketing and Communications Team for an 8-week internship. They worked on projects like marketing strategies,...