At the Global Staff Conference in Uganda, sitting at a table with people from all over the world, I was slightly overwhelmed. Leslie Dawson, Edify’s Director of Spiritual Formation, stepped onto the small stage and shared about what the first day would look...
Edify has taken a holistic approach to equipping teaching in Peru, and the transformation has been nothing short of significant. One of our three main pillars is training. In each of our operating countries, we provide various types of training that the in-country...
Throughout my time as a Marketing and Communications Intern, I was charged with writing two blog posts. As an Enneagram 3, I wanted to write something that was moving but informative, intellectual but funny. As I took time to decide what to write, I heard about an...
Anyone familiar with Edify could tell you that the book When Helping Hurts played a significant role in influencing Edify’s operations. It encompasses the core heart of Edify’s transformation in learning how to restore relationships. It details where the vast...
Every year, Edify hosts couples, families, and individuals to see our work around the world. These trips give an opportunity to experience first-hand the culture of the countries we operate in. They also allow an in-depth look at our work. The trips also provide an...