Finding Joy in Redirection

Finding Joy in Redirection

Throughout my time as a Marketing and Communications Intern, I was charged with writing two blog posts. As an Enneagram 3, I wanted to write something that was moving but informative, intellectual but funny. As I took time to decide what to write, I heard about an...
Learning How to Restore Relationships

Learning How to Restore Relationships

Anyone familiar with Edify could tell you that the book When Helping Hurts played a significant role in influencing Edify’s operations. It encompasses the core heart of Edify’s transformation in learning how to restore relationships. It details where the vast...
Giving God more Miracle-Working Space

Giving God more Miracle-Working Space

Every year, Edify hosts couples, families, and individuals to see our work around the world. These trips give an opportunity to experience first-hand the culture of the countries we operate in. They also allow an in-depth look at our work. The trips also provide an...