Schola Project

Join a community of monthly givers
reshaping global education. 


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Generosity changes schools for the better

By joining Schola Project, you’re partnering with us to train teachers, give schools access to capital, and introduce technology to underserved children. When schools improve, learning does too. When learning happens, so does transformation.

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Here’s why they joined

The Schola Project community is committed, open-handed, and wants to see the Kingdom of God grow and nations flourish.

Mike, California

“The Schola Project community is passionate about global education and the transformative love of Jesus.”

Amanda, North Carolina

“Being part of the Schola Project community is a reminder to give what’s on my heart.”

Chelsey, Alaska

“I love the Schola Project. When quality education is accessible … big things happen. World-changing things.”

Andi, Texas

“We love how the Schola Project supports people who are called to their communities, bringing quality education to children who may not otherwise have the opportunity.”

Edify World Map

Let’s Reshape the World

Link arms with others who want to change the world through education and the Kingdom of God. By giving what we can, together, we’re shaping the world’s next generation.