“So take the talent from him and give it to him who has the ten talents.” — Matthew 25:28, ESV One of Edify’s Core Values, based on Matthew 25:28, is “Applaud the Entrepreneurial Spirit.” The Bible showcases this spirit from Genesis to Revelation,...
This spring, May 2023, we gathered our Latin and North American staff in Panama for the Edify Regional Conference. We enjoyed days filled with staff worship, strategy meetings, and countless testimonies. We also had the opportunity to visit some of Edify’s...
Every year, Edify hosts couples, families, and individuals to see our work around the world. These trips give an opportunity to experience first-hand the culture of the countries we operate in. They also allow an in-depth look at our work. The trips also provide an...
The effects of war and conflict are exacting. They’re complex and can grind crucial national infrastructures to a screeching halt. Especially the damage it brings to education. Often school buildings and structures are reduced to rubble. Teachers flee to surrounding...
Watch these students and school leaders share their testimonies of how these materials have brought a deeper understanding of discipleship and salvation. New Growth After Reopenings in Ghana In January 2021, school doors across Ghana swung wide open to welcome back...
One of the greatest disruptions of the COVID-19 pandemic has been to education. Globally, 191 countries have closed their schools affecting over 1.5 billion students, which is 90 percent of enrolled learners. In Northeast India, teachers have returned to their...